Meet Fatiha
Certified RTT Hypnotherapist
My name is Fatiha and I am a Certified RTT Hypnotherapist. I am trained in a cutting edge Hypnotherapy technique called RTT (Rapid Transformational Theory).
RTT uses the most healing power human beings have been gifted with... the mind!
With RTT, patients are able to reframe their mind and turn a negative habit into a positive one, achieving results in no time. No need for several sessions or lengthy treatments, RTT is able to achieve the results YOU desire in 1 to 3 sessions which can be done online or in person.
A few years ago, I was struggling with some issues and decided to try hypnotherapy to get rid of some bad habits.
I was blown away by the results! So much so, that I decided to learn this skill and became a certified hypnotherapist. trained by Marisa Peer's school.
Marisa is a famous celebrity hypnotherapist who founded RTT. Marisa' success is down to her method which is ground-breaking. Learning her craft has been life-changing and being able to practice and support people has been a humbling experience.